My rule of thumbs for anything financial: never spend more than you make. Keep it in the black and not in the red. DO NOT SPEND (unless the shoes are SUPER cute… Or the friends want to eat out… Or someone’s getting married. Or having a baby. Or it’s Christmastime. OR BIRTHDAYS). That’s the most important thing, riiiiiiiight? Never spend more than you make? I worked a few jobs, went to college, got a career job, opened a Roth IRA and deposited money in it (once). Shunted money into savings. Saw a financial advisor (ONCE). Trolled the internets for forms of passive income, because who KNOWS what the future may hold with accidents, bad health, unexpected disasters, etc. Then this guy came around and we started talking about this thing called marriage and with marriage comes moving and houses and…. KIDS. And the thought begins: when a two income family becomes a one income family because Mama wants to stay with the kiddos…. And if the previous family didn’t ...
“We live by faith; and if that faith be weak, trust God that weak faith is faith, and that weak faith is true faith… It’s not great faith that is essential to salvation but faith that links the soul to Christ, and that soul is, therefore, saved.” — Charles Spurgeon